Hardcover books continue to occupy a special place in the hearts of readers everywhere. While paperbacks may be more convenient because of their portability, hardcover books are meant to be treasured and truly withstand the test of time. Hardcover bookbinding, also known as case binding, is an excellent solution for any custom project that you will treasure for years. Now you can present your hardcover book design in an easy manner using this hardcover book design PSD mockup.

The mockup has a true photorealistic appearance. It displays a back side of a hardcover book along with some stationary items scattered around the book. The mockup is easily editable. Just download the mockup for free. Then open the PSD file in Adobe Photoshop. There simply drag and drop your design work on it and get your desired hardcover book design presentation. Within just a few clicks, you can have your own excellent quality presentation.

What are you waiting for? Hit the “download” button now and make this mockup your own.



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