Old Obsolete Laptop Design

Laptops, like smartphones, have come a long way ever since they were first created. Gone are the blocky, suitcase like portable computers which are quite cumbersome despite their purpose. Today, we have elegant thin MacBooks and the like. Still, it is interesting to see how much laptops are being pushed to their limits in technological advancements, that is why it is important to remember what they looked like. Now, we can all commemorate what the old laptops looked like with the help of the Old Obsolete Laptop Design Mockup.

This mockup features a functional but old laptop which is probably no longer in production or sale now. However, this one appears to be still functioning, at least digitally, and you can make it so. You can choose to customize a lot of the details of the mockup depending on your preference. The Old Obsolete Laptop Design Mockup is perfect for your branding, business, client, designer, or identity needs.


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