Surface Studio Plus Table

The Microsoft Surface Studio can be just as elegant as the Apple iMac. Of course, this is what Microsoft probably had in mind when they planned the existence of the Surface Studio, to combat the iMac for the all-in-one PC supremacy throne. The good part is that the Microsoft Studio comes in a more familiar Windows operating system, though the iMac can be more advanced. Still, the Surface Studio Plus Table Mockup can help you design the device and promote it properly.

This mockup features the Microsoft Surface Studio on its natural habitat, which is a design professional’s table. You can change up a lot of the design details for the mockup to suit your own needs and preferences. The Surface Studio Plus Table Mockup is perfect for your branding and business, especially if you deal with these devices.

Requires Adobe Photoshop

The mockup also comes in a nice and ready PSD format to make it easy for you.


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