hardcover book mockup

Book covers may vary depending on the type of book you’ve created. But one thing is for sure you need to cover it with attention-grabbing covers so as to attract readers. So, to help you with that, we handpick this book cover mock-up for you!  A Hardcover Book Mockup in PSD!

hardcover book mockup

Whether you need a book cover for a book or an eBook for online shops, this one is worth to check out!

This mock-up has a high-resolution graphics and is a layered PSD file that enables you to easily customize the design to your own preferences. All you got to do is to get your book cover design ready. In this mockup, you can add your top cover and spine design. Specifically, look for the smart layers and slide in your design. Aside from that, changing the background color is made possible. Hence your book cover presentation is ready in seconds.

hardcover book mockup

Download this free book cover mock-up and start displaying your ebook with style and confidence.


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