Instagram’s 400 million users are sharing their pictures with profile all across the web. However, Instagram has not got transformed into a photographic Facebook version. Instagram has maintained its distinctive entity despite the fact that the Instagram profiles have a distinct resemblance to Facebook profiles.

The Instagram profiles have been designed for enhancing the mobile network and definitely, not transforming the model. The Instagram profiles are not meant for browsing your timeline or searching hashtags on your website and remember mobile is the primary focus and of utmost concern. The web profiles are supposed to be limited purposely. Facebook owns Instagram and so Facebook would not want you to divert your attention completely to Instagram.

The web profiles would be allowing users and brands to demonstrate their Instagram content to all the web users effectively in an attractive and more organized format. Instagram profile pages provide you with a visually spectacular landing page for representing your individual or corporate brand. Here are some effective tips for smartly integrating Instagram profile pages nicely into your web design strategy.

Keep Your Bio Updated: Keep updating your bio to gain enhanced exposure and to boost search-ability of your web-based presence.

Link-Sharing: You must always include a link to your Instagram profile page especially on your specific website and also all through your digital presence. This incredible feature would be adding an extra digital content layer to your social media accounts. You must utilize it effectively.

Pay More Attention to Your Content: Today your content is easily accessible from any browser. Therefore, it demands more attention. These pictures would be going via the flash cover component straight to the top of the profile. As such, it is important to focus on quality. Do not allow these pictures to ever embarrass your brand or you because of poor quality stuff.

Profile Picture: Your profile picture is quite important because of the truly large format content, which would be attracting the attention of real Instagram followers. You must pull down unimaginative and low-quality profile pictures.

Check Your Privacy Settings: Instagram clients who get a kick out of the chance to keep their record set to private need not stress over privacy issues with web profiles. As indicated by Instagram, in the event that you have a private profile, your photographs may be noticeable to signed in supporters you’ve endorsed. This likewise implies just those devotees can remark and like your photographs on the web.

Additionally, web crawlers are not permitted to file Instagram photographs regardless of whether your record is private or not.

Do Not Use Tunnel Vision: The Instagram profile is an interesting feature and you must never go overboard and always regard it as just a feature. The advantage of Instagram is very much pertaining to the mobile app. In this context, you must understand that you simply cannot use and keep track of the hashtags along with your profile. You must go on marketing to your Instagram audience and remember that it is predominantly a mobile audience. Do not bank or focus solely on the profile page. Once your profile page is done, you must treat it as a low-maintenance portion of your overall strategy.


You could utilize effective tools for developing an Instagram strategy that is based on your previous success and most-engaging content. Top brands are effectively using Instagram. Thanks to the profile page, you get this extra exposure and the capacity to attract and appeal to the users. Brand managers are increasingly embracing Instagram. To make the most of Instagram, most active users keep re-evaluating their strategy.

This article was written by Instamacro

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